Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group
Susan Rohn, Coldwell Banker Real Estate GroupPhone: (847) 651-5691
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Pets

Posted on 03/10/2025
3 Ways to Protect Your Pets in a Natural Disaster
Natural disasters are scary for humans and pets. Animals can sense our stress levels and the more stressed we are, the worse they feel. That's why it's crucial to prepare for the possibility of a disaster so you and your pet can manage it safely and calmly. Here are some tips for how to keep your pets safe...
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Posted on 06/05/2023
Here are some of the best low maintenance house pets
Many homeowners want an animal companion, but know it can...
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Posted on 11/22/2021
Quick Tips for Keeping Your Pets Happy While You House Hunt
Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels Before finding your perfect house, you’ll undoubtedly visit at least 10 different properties for a good look around. If you’re navigating through a seller’s market, that number could increase considerably. All the while, your pet is likely waiting impatiently for things to return to normal, so they can enjoy having you home...
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